increasingly clear

美 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli klɪr]英 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli klɪə(r)]
  • 越来越清楚
increasingly clearincreasingly clear
  1. It is increasingly clear that this level of reserve accumulation is not sustainable .


  2. But it is increasingly clear that intelligence was not fully analyzed or fully leveraged .


  3. It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved .


  4. It is becoming increasingly clear that retail reinvention isn 't a simple battle to the death between bricks and clicks .


  5. The status of learning theory in teaching materials building and teaching design is increasingly clear .


  6. To reduce construction costs , telecom operators internal logistics demand increasingly clear .


  7. Recent years , the strategy of vigorously develop the high-tech industry in China is increasingly clear .


  8. With the development of film industry , the importance of film subtitle translation becomes increasingly clear .


  9. The integration of information technology and subject teaching has been becoming increasingly clear through endless number of exploration .


  10. It is becoming increasingly clear that science and technology are of tremendous significance as productive forces .


  11. It has become increasingly clear that it is absolutely necessary and correct to establish this general policy .


  12. While the evidence for water has become increasingly clear , the question of organic compounds is in flux .


  13. Beyond China , it is increasingly clear that many emerging economies have been growing beyond their underlying potential .


  14. It 's becoming increasingly clear to policy makers that schools cannot solve all the problems of the larger community .


  15. It has also become increasingly clear that the identification of strategic applications alone does not result in success for an organization .


  16. In recent months , it became increasingly clear the Windows phone strategy was running into a roadblock .


  17. In the past few years , however , it has become increasingly clear that the status quo is crumbling .


  18. Along with the the Hefei growing economic , foreign direct investment is becoming increasingly clear that pulling effect on the economy .


  19. With the accelerated development of urbanization in China , urbanization lag " compensation effect " has become increasingly clear to emerge .


  20. In addition , in a huge profit at no active social responsibilities , make public opinion dissatisfaction is increasingly clear .


  21. That the power engineering construction project management is increasingly clear international trend , while the current model can not meet the human resources project management needs .


  22. On the contrary , it is increasingly clear that Greece is no longer at the centre of the problem .


  23. But the folly of embarking on such a big undertaking without strong business and public support became increasingly clear .


  24. With the development of modern science and technology and the expansion of social requirement , the limitations of electrical interconnection became increasingly clear .


  25. Throughout the life and ministry of our Lord on the earth , it became increasingly clear this was no ordinary man ;


  26. The trend of urbanization with the main feature of regional economic and social integration , joint development of the adjacent city group is increasingly clear .


  27. It is becoming increasingly clear that China has not made much progress on rebalancing its economy and reducing its dependence on exports .


  28. China is gradually putting its financial house in order and the growing importance of the Chinese economy in the global economy is increasingly clear to all .


  29. It is becoming increasingly clear that as much as 80 % of people who are obese are predisposed genetically .


  30. The importance and necessity of RMB internationalization is becoming increasingly clear , and China will continue to promote this progress in the future .
